Excellent Resources

Doug Tallamy’s new book arrived last week–you can find it on Amazon HERE. I have been reading it on Kindle and ordered three hard copies that I plan to share with interested neighbors.

Mr. Tallamy tells us that a lot of the hard work of determining which native plants to put in our gardens has been done for us and we can find plant lists in several places, like the National Wildlife Federation and the Audobon Society.

For my own garden, I am considering the following to add to my parking strip memory garden and to replace part of the lawn:

  • Fragaria vesca
  • Lupinus latifolius
  • Solidago canadensis
  • Artemisia biennis, tridentata, suksdorfii, vaseyana, ludoviciana
  • Helianthus sp.
  • Lotus unifoliolatus
  • Viola orbiculata, sempervirens, adunca, howellii, palustris, glabella
  • Epilobium sp.
  • Geranium bicknelli
  • Achillea millefolium
  • Linum sp.
  • Salix sp.
  • Prunus sp.
  • Populus tremuloides
  • Betula pumila
  • Quercus sp.
  • Malus fusca
  • Vaccinum sp.
  • Acer douglasii
  • Acer circinatum
  • Tsuga heterophylla
  • Rubus sp.
  • Rosa sp.
  • Crataegus douglasii