Here is another photo of the pile of dirt that was delivered on Tuesday. And this was AFTER Leon and I had each take a turn at spreading it around where we intended it to go.

And then, after three more hours yesterday, the pile and garden looked like this:
It is tough work moving this soil one shovelful at a time, but it was just what we needed during this challenging time of stay-at-home orders and the stresses the coronavirus has forced on us. Spring is a wonderful time to be outside, too, with lots of birds around and flowers and plants to distract me on my breaks from shoveling. The bushtits, amazing, tiny little busybody birds, spent some time in the Madrone tree that is one cornerstone of the native plant garden. I heard chickadees, juncos, stellar jays, wrens, and the ever-present American crows. It felt like they were cheering me on in my efforts to improve their food webs.
We woke up still able to walk and the weather was perfect for more soil movement. And low and behold, here is where we ended up:
The next step is to order a chip deliver from Chip Drop, but I may wait a week or so while our bodies recover! There is more brick work to be done, as well. We’re pretty excited to have something wonderful coming out of this difficult time.