There is a park in Shoreline called Twin Ponds Park. I took the dog on a walk just to clear my head after a long day at the home office. In an effort to see how plants look in a natural environment, I wandered some of the paths in the park and saw some great plants in some wonderful natural plantings.
I believe this is Maianthemum dilitatum. A gorgeous scene with Maianthemum and Rubus ursinus at the bottom. Tapestry of Maianthemum. Big Leaf Avens, Geum macrophyllum Another view of the Big Leaf Avens Athyrium filix-femina Fascinating, unfurling frond. Wonderful frond patterns. Interesting flowers and fresh leaves of Piggyback Plant, Tomiea menziesii Another view–lots of flower spikes! Possible native willow, maybe a Hooker’s willow? A FaceBook group confirmed this is the Native Cow Parsnip, Heracleum lanatum. Maianthemum racemosum, False Solomon’s Seal Here is how the Maianthemum clump grows.
Finding natural places to observe is a great way to spend some pent up stay-at-home energy and see how nature gardens with native plants.