More Seedlings Potted On

It was a classic spring day in Seattle, with heavy rain showers in between sun breaks. I worked most of the day getting the greenhouse organized. In the afternoon I switched to transplanting native seedlings. There were hundreds of Mimulus guttatus seedlings despite my attempts at sparsely sprinkling the pot with the minute seeds. I planted them in bunches–ended up with about a dozen pots. In addition, there were dozens of Achillea millefolium seedlings. I transplanted a few into individual pots and the rest three-to-a-pot.

Assuming these all survive, I’m not sure where they’ll end up. Mimulus love water and the new garden is pretty dry, so I may have to plant them elsewhere. The yarrows will happily live anywhere with part to full sun, so I’ll sprinkle them around the native plant garden and the memory garden and give any extras away.

Not long after these were transplanted, the REAL rain came. Here is what it looked/sounded like for about half an hour this evening:

I’m hoping the rain doesn’t wipe out the newly transplanted seedlings!