I found this amazing moth on our screen door this week. The native moth and butterfly group on Facebook identified it as an Omnivorous Looper. It was fun to see.

Another very cute, but non-native visitor landed in the native garden this week–an eastern cottontail rabbit. I never knew these animals were introduced into the state from the east coast. I grew up thinking they were “our” rabbits. She was darling, for sure, and it appears she is making a nest somewhere nearby. I should be afraid for my garden, but so far I haven’t seen any damage. I’ll keep an eye on her, though.

My mini native plant nursery is bursting at the seams. I transplanted nearly forty Lupine polyphyllus seedlings into four-inch pots. There are probably at least twenty more newer seedlings that will need to be potted up in a couple of weeks.

Today, I tackled the Douglas aster seedlings (Symphytotrichum subspicatum) that were started from seeds off the plants I bought from Seattle Native Plants last year. There were fifty eight seedlings in all! I’m so excited to have all these young natives coming along–they should be ready for planting out or gifting by September.

Here are a few native plants in the native plant garden.