This is just a quick post to highlight an example of one way to welcome nature to your yard. I walked past this scene on my run this evening and it was heartening to see. It represents the main idea of–the idea that we need to learn to share our space with native plants. Yes, there is an investment up-front and a culture switch to appreciate how something different looks compared to what we’re all used to. But this is so beautiful to me!

The property owners accommodated this good-sized Madrona tree (Arubutus menziesii) by adding a gap to their rail fence that fits the trunk. They are repaid by the gorgeous peeling bark of the tree, a wonderful evergreen canopy, foliage that native bugs enjoy eating, and berries in the fall that are bird favorites.
Sometimes, it isn’t about what you plant. It’s about letting what planted itself stay in your yard even when it doesn’t exactly fit into your design plans!