An Unexpected Challenge in Growing Natives From Seed

Many of my native flora seed pots are on the shelf just outside my home office window. Despite their proximity to the house they see a lot of curious activity from wildlife including wrens, jays, towhees, sparrows, rats, and squirrels. I’m honestly not sure if there are any seeds left in some of those pots.

We have a crow couple that we’ve been feeding for seven or eight years–Half Beak and her beau. Daily, Half-Beak lands on one so the stone sculptures in the garden that is clearly visible to anyone in the living room (usually Leon). When we see her, we pass treats to her by dropping them in the driveway or on the porch–dog food or chicken or whatever we have handy.

Leon left town for the better part of a week and the crows must have gotten hungry because suddenly Half Beak found me in my home office and threw a little tantrum looking for some food.

Her tantrum involved removing tags from my native plant seeds.

Sometimes, when you plant it, they come…before the seeds have even germinated!