Native Color

It can be difficult to convince people to plant native flora because we all have so many amazing choices of non-native plants from around the world for every possible use and to match any possible theme. When people say natives are boring, though, I want them to look closer at our native plants.

Here are some simple photos of Cornus sericea leaves that have flared up in the last week.

Rafa, our new puppy, has led me on some walks lately and I found a stand of salal that doesn’t appear to belong to anyone that is loaded with berries. Every time we go by, I grab a handful of berries. I sprinkled some in the native plant garden to see if they will sprout on their own. Today, I also planted some salal berries in a pot and put them with the other seed pots on the shelves outside the greenhouse. The native roses in the native garden have lots of hips this year so I grabbed a few of them, too, and put them in pots. The recent rains have watered the seed pots nicely. I can’t wait for spring!