Interesting Podcast and My Native Plant Updates

A Way to Garden is an interesting website and podcast hosted by Margaret Roach. Increasingly, Margaret focuses on ecologically friendly gardening. She is a moth fanatic, among other admirable traits, and she has had my hero Doug Tallamy on her podcast several times.

The podcast this week focuses on a new park, Brooklyn Bridge Park, in New York, and how native creatures are one of the main focuses of this beautiful space.

Find the podcast HERE.

In my own native plant garden, I planted about thirty Collomia grandiflora seedlings in front of the blue lyme grass starts near the front of the bed. I noticed the hundreds of camas bulbs I planted last autumn are now putting on a burst of growth and their flower buds are visible now, as well. Interestingly, the bulbs included a few variegated cultivars though I did not order those. I’m curious whether they will perennialize as well as the all-green type.

One of the ways I intend to increase native plants locally is for me to grow and give away locally native plants to neighbors and friends. Our friend Staci is restoring some land that her family owns near Swamp Creek in Kenmore, Washington. She was willing to give the Collomia seedlings a try in some land she recently cleared of Himalayan blackberries. I gave her about thirty of my seedlings and I also passed her eleven western red cedar saplings and a Douglas fir seedling that I had in pots–they had seeded themselves here in the yard or in the pots themselves. I’m excited that these natives will have an excellent home. Hopefully, the deer won’t find them too tasty in their new wild place.

It is exactly a year since my own native plant garden received its first phase of planting. Those plants are mostly doing very well.

The red-flowered currants have flowers, though they look more pink than red.

The tall Oregon grape is also blooming well.

The Dicentra are filling in nicely–such beautiful leaves. The flowers are almost unnecessary when the foliage has this much color and texture interest.

And best of all, one of the Trillium ovatum has resurfaced with not one, but two flowers!

The Douglas asters seem to be very happy in the native plant garden–they are spreading far and wide. I have left the old stems on them from last year. That sounds so easy, yet it is just so tempting to tidy things up and remove those tall, dead stems. I wonder when humans formed their idea of what garden beauty is and how long it will take to “fix” it so we are all comfortable with the messes, tangles, and debris that foster excellent ecological health and diversity.

On the native plant seedling front, I have a dozen or so more Aquilegia formosa seedling that have germinated and are ready for transplanting.

Maybe two dozen of the Lupinus polyphyllum seeds have germinated and are close to transplant-ready.

Dozens of the Douglas aster seedlings are up–they may get transplanted next weekend.

Some of the Puget Sound gumweed have germinated (Grindelia integrifolia), along with a very few Oregon sunshine (Eriophyllum lanatum). And best of all, finally, there are a few Solidago canadensis that have poked their heads up.

It looks like some other seeds are coming along, too, but too early to be sure they are what I think they are: Mahonia, Sambucus, Amelanchier, Frittilaria, Tolmiea, and Tellima.

I set up a trial plant giveaway along the sidewalk last weekend and it worked pretty well–I gave away a few of the extra Collomia grandiflora that way. I plan to do this frequently so plant geeks get used to looking for treasures there.

April is National Native Plant Month!

Please see THIS article from the National Audubon Society about the newly announced celebration of native plants.

How exciting that some people in high levels of government are recognizing the importance of restoring our native ecosystems.

Native Plants in Spring and Updates

We visited our cabin near Tonasket two weeks ago and I found this spectacular Mahonia aquifolia, our native “Oregon grape.” I think exposure to sun and cold result in these brilliant red plants.

This past weekend, I ventured to Happy Valley, Oregon, and took a walk to a small nature park with my best walking buddy, Brian. It was fun to see all the native plants maturing quickly in the warmer weather.

Catkins on a native willow.
Pink-flowered cultivar of red-flowered currant.
Another view.
Stinging nettles.

I wandered around my year-old native plant garden today and it looks pretty good. There are some glaring omissions–so far, no sign of the two Trillium ovatum starts that I purchased and the maidenhair fern (Asplenium pedatum). Several Dicentra formosa plants have come up, and I noticed the native ginger, Asarum caudatum, is pushing through the mulch of leaves and branches. The osoberry is finished blooming already, while the native hazel and serviceberry have yet to leaf out at all. The Oregon grape has not bloomed yet, but it has lots of blooms swelling. I’m not sure why it is so late. Most of the local ones bloomed a month or more ago. But I’ll take those brilliant yellow pollinator treats whenever they decide to pop. Here is how the ones in Happy Valley look.

I don’t see any seedlings in the strip I planted of annual and perennial seeds several weeks ago. I really hope some of them grow. My back-up plan will be to plant the Collomia grandiflora seedlings there–they continue to grow well. I can add the Aquilegia formosa seedlings, too, and some barestem biscuitroot seedlings, too.

The native garden isn’t pretty right now. It is awkward toiling in the gap between winter and spring and between being new and established. It may take years for it to mimic the grace and beauty of a natural landscape. I find much happiness and hope there, nonetheless. The native aster plants (Symphytotrichum subspicatum), set out from four-inch pots last April, are starting to spread madly. One has even poked its way through the brick retaining wall! I left all the old stems, hoping to attract native bees to them in the future. One of the native roses (likely R. nutkana) is sending rhizomes long distances toward the retaining wall, as well. I plant to pot up some of these starts, along with some from the nearby memory garden and give them to friends or neighbors.

Green Seattle Partnership and Guerilla Gardening

In my last post I mentioned that I emailed the City of Seattle Parks and Recreation Department and assumed I would not hear back from them. Shame on me for assuming! Instead, by mid-week, I had received a very thoughtful and helpful response from one Eric Sterner, a plant ecologist who is part of the City’s “Green Seattle Partnership.” It turns out Seattle already has a program designed to do just what I was offering: allow volunteers (Forest Stewards) to take the lead on restoring specifically identified City properties. Happily, the Amy Yee Tennis Center property is identified as one of those available properties.

This is from the City’s map outlining available restoration properties in red–just look at all that POTENTIAL NATIVE HABITAT!

The program trains Forest Stewards and then Green Partnership employees work with those Stewards to help them plan the space, procure plants, tools, and mulch. The Forest Steward is required to hold four volunteer restoration events at the site each year and to do two walk-throughs each year to help ensure the plans are appropriate and the program is working for all concerned.

I immediately let Eric know that I’d like to be a Forest Steward. The only drawback for me is the timing. With COVID, the Forest Steward training dates have not been set; it is possible it won’t be until fall that there is an orientation training I can attend.

Well, I can’t wait until fall to get started on my restoration efforts. Using the plant list and guidance in this guide I will start planning what the Amy Yee property might end up looking like and hopefully, the Green Partnership employees will help by guiding and approving those plans early on. I will prioritize the strips of land next to the outdoor courts as the starting point and build from there. Those strips seem fairly easy to convert since they only have grasses in them and a few other plants.

The number of plants it will take to fully plant that large area is staggering. I want to start some seedlings now that will be ready by autumn to plant.

Originally, I was planning on dumping all of the above seeds in a tennis ball can with seed starting mix and use them as my guerilla gardening seed mix. However, now that I know three is potential that I can legitimately take over the Amy Yee site with native plants, I will work on starting some of the perennial seeds here at home so they will be ready for planting out in the autumn. I’ll put the annual seeds in my Seattle native guerilla gardening mix and will plan to test my new bulb planter method next week.

It turns out my ghost gardening, or guerilla gardening, is an established activity–it even has a Wikipedia page! Gardening on land you have no claim to appears to be popular for food growing, but there are also some native restoration guerillas out there–there is a seed mix on Etsy designed for guerilla gardening! It doesn’t specify what area the plants are actually native to–and I am trying to be fairly strict utilizing locally native plants, but I was happy to see it there. This seems like a fun movement to grow locally here, so I’ll be thinking about how I can do that.

A Restless Night and Seedling Excitement

Just before I went to sleep last night, I sent an email to Seattle Parks and Recreation asking what it would take to make the Amy Yee Tennis Center property part of Homegrown National Park. I seriously doubt I’ll hear back from them. People have a lot on their plates right now with COVID and all, so it would surprise me if I found a by-the-books kind of way to plant natives on that property.

So, I was lying awake at two in the morning not able to fall back to sleep–too excited about my hoped-for native plant takeover. And my sleepy brain said, “You don’t really need to wait for permission to start planting native plants in public spaces…” I noodled on that for the next few hours and hatched a new hobby I’ll call Ghost Gardening, where I sneak in and plant native seeds or starts in places I think they won’t be disturbed. Rather than my original plan to have work parties root out all the non-native plants and then restore them with natives, my more realistic and streamlined plan involves some shortcuts.

Using a bulb planter, I can cut small circles of sod out of lawn and weed areas easily. I’ll replace the sod with some seed starting mix and sprinkle some locally native wildflower seeds in the circle and cover with a bit more mix. I can do this on rainy days when no one is near the outdoor courts, so I’m planning to try it this weekend if I can round the supplies up in time.

This will be a fair amount of work and expense. I’m thinking of starting with one circle every square foot, so the strips to the east of the outdoor courts will take about 600 circles each, and there are three strips. But I can just plug away a little at a time–it is volunteer work, after all. I picture the seedlings growing all spring and starting to bloom around the time the maintenance people are thinking about weed whacking. Maybe they won’t cut all the flowers down, buzzing with bees and butterflies. But if they do, the plants will be back. I plan to use perennials and annuals.

Picture this dead zone awash is wildflowers and buzzing with bees, flies, and butterflies…

Later, I can do the same thing with shrub and tree seeds and starts that need to go out in the autumn. And if I develop a system that works, I can apply it to other properties and land that doesn’t get used. I can come up with a Ghost Gardener tool kit, seed mixes, hardwood cuttings and a Ghost Gardener manifesto; it won’t be long before we give Seattle back to the insects, birds, and other animals that we displaced so long ago!

I know that the City likely has very strenuous and obnoxious rules about park plantings, which is another reason to bypass their bureaucracy. I feel fairly certain that planting native seeds doesn’t break any laws. It will seem like such a silly idea to people, no one will care. But maybe if one of these 100-foot-long strips of wasted space turns into a spectacular blooming oasis for native pollinators and all their predators.

My own native plant seeds have started to pop up, even the ones I had given up on.

Natives Waking Up and An Idea

The Osoberry that I added to the native plant garden last spring is blooming! I didn’t expect it to have flowers when it is only a few feet tall. The grace of the drooping flower buds below expanding leaf buds never fails to impress me.

I also found larger plants blooming in my travels this week.

Another beautiful native that I stumbled upon at Shoreview Park is the salmonberry.

My own salmonberries are likely too young to flower, but maybe next year.

I played tennis at the Amy Yee Tennis Center today and I got there early and couldn’t go inside due to COVID protocols, so I wandered the grounds. This City of Seattle facility is on a big piece of land that is only partly being utilized for outdoor and indoor courts. Years ago a plan was made to expand the outdoor courts and add a parking lot on the upper level, but it hasn’t happened yet.

There are some great spaces right now that are just overgrown grass and weeds and a few native/non-native shrubs (Mahonia, Arctostaphylos, and Berberis). My grand idea is to talk to the City to see if these barren spaces could be upgraded with native trees, shrubs, perennials, and annuals. I’m not sure there would be any City budget money to do this, but I know I could drum the money up from grants or donations. And there are a lot of compelling reasons for the City to do it–less maintenance, more beautiful, nature-friendly space, and maybe an educational element could be added for kids.

Between the courts and the road to the north, there is a large patch of grass with a few trees (Cottonwoods, mostly).
One of three strips next to the outdoor courts that are wastelands of grass and unhappy shrubs.
All that potential! This area could become something truly useful to fauna and people alike!

I’ll start researching this possibility and we’ll see how hard it is to make changes to park’s properties, since there are a LOT of them locally that could be added to Homegrown National Park.

So Many Seeds!

I’m committed to growing as many native plants as I can so that my own native garden is full of beneficial flora and I can give lots of plants away to friends and neighbors. The least expensive way to propagate native plants is to grow them from seeds, but this is a big investment in time and effort. Luckily, growing things from seeds happens to be a favorite hobby of mine.

Today was a typical March day of mixed sunshine, cold wind, and pouring rain. I was able to sneak out during some dry breaks and get a bunch of seeds planted. The list of what I planted today follows:

The following seeds were placed in a container today and will be mixed with seed starting mix tomorrow and spread all over the front of the native plant garden. I’m hoping for something like a woodland edge/meadow garden from this megamix.

When I type all those plant names, it seems overwhelming! But the reality is that only a fraction of all those seeds will germinate. And the last, long list, are easy–just sprinkle them on bare soil and hope for the best.

The direct-sow seeds that I’ll plant tomorrow are the last of my 2021 native plant seeds. Depending on how the different species do, I hope to create my own native plant seed mix to share with neighbors in the coming years.

My hope is that in two to three years, to have a system in place for growing enough seeds, cuttings, and divisions to give away a hundred plants every year to Haller Lake neighbors to make Haller Lake the best Homegrown National Park in the country.

Transplants and Camas Seedlings

With the snow melted and mild weather in the forecast, I pulled the two little pots of Collomia grandiflora seedlings out of the cool greenhouse and transplanted them on so they can get more growth on before they go into my garden or someone else’s.

In these two little pots, there ended up being 84 Collomia grandiflora seedlings! I’m excited that I should be able to have a nice stand of them in my native garden and also give a bunch to neighbors and friends, assuming most of them make it to adulthood.

The other native plant seeds that are showing signs of life are the Camas seeds, Camassia quamash. I planted quite a few of these seeds over the past year, as well as planting hundreds of the bulbs directly into the garden. The seeds didn’t come up last spring, but some came up over the winter. I’m curious if the effort to raise these plants to adulthood will be worth it, given that bulbs are available fairly inexpensively.

Excellent Native Seed Source

Last year when I started my native plant commitment, I started looking for sources of native seeds. It is tricky to find quality sources of seeds for any unusual kind of plant. For example, I ordered Trillium ovatum seeds from Amazon and I received a little bag of rice. More recently, I ordered Crataegus douglasii seeds and strangely, they arrived from Turkey. They look alright, but will I invest a year or two before I find out they are another species?

While a slow process, I find growing plants from seed to be very rewarding and cost-effective and I intend to do a lot of native plants propagation from seed in the coming years.

One source that worked out wonderfully is Northwest Meadowscapes. They have a fairly extensive listing of perennials and annuals mostly designed for meadow growing, but many would be welcome in any home landscape.

I listen to Margaret Roach’s “A Way To Garden” Podcast and she is a big fan of native plants, and more specifically “locally native” plants. HERE is a recent episode talking about native early spring perennials. She is east-coast based and focused, but her thought processes will work for gardeners anywhere. She talks a lot about range maps. It can be very challenging to find accurate range maps for native plants.

When I am trying to determine if plants are locally native to King County, I look at the range maps provided by the Burke Museum Herbarium. I search by genus name and click on the specific plant to see the range map. I just placed an order with Northwest Meadowscapes for some locally native perennials to add to the many other seeds I’m starting.

I will stretch the map to fit my vision of what Washington looked like prior to being developed. Many plants seem to surround King County but haven’t been found inside it. It seems likely many have been extirpated in this highly developed County. So, I will give them a try in my garden and see if any pollinators or other insects find them a welcome addition to the garden buffet.

We had about 8″ of snow here at the house this weekend. I think the seeds I planted earlier are getting plenty of stratification from the weather finally. I did move the Collomia seedlings into the greenhouse to be sure they didn’t freeze. The snow is melting now and will likely be gone tomorrow. It was nice to have a few days of pure winter weather, though, with temperatures in the twenties. The tennis cans I planted my Quercus garryana acorns in were covered with quite a bit of snow.

Hardy Annuals, Seed Sowing, and Licorice Ferns

We are in the heart of winter in Seattle, but you would never know it without going outside–it was sunny and bright today, but the high temperature was only 41 degrees.

I planted several pots of native plant seeds about a month ago, hoping to give them enough cold stratification on shelves outside to coax them to germinate this spring.

Today, I planted a batch of seeds of native plants from Chiltern’s in the UK.

These seeds were planted in simple potting soil in 3″ square pots. They will get watered in tomorrow when the rains come back.

As I sat these newly planted seeds on the shelf, I was shocked to seed that the Collomia grandiflora seeds I planted a month or so ago have germinated! Talk about hardy annuals! It is still mid-winter and these seedlings don’t seem fazed at all by the cold.

I’m nervous for these little guys, but anxious to have them grow quickly into healthy seedlings that can get planted in my native plant garden when the weather warms (or even before).

When walking in a park in Happy Valley, Oregon last week with my good friend Brian, I saw a LOT of licorice ferns (Polypodium glycyrrhiza). These tree-clinging plants have an interesting growth cycle. They grow on the trunks and branches of deciduous trees–big leaf maples are a favorite. In order to maximize their own growth, their active season is fall and winter when the leaves have dropped and the ferns have access to the sunlight they need. The bonus for humans is that when the trunks and branches have dropped their leaves you can clearly see the vibrant, robust licorice ferns.

The licorice fern name, as well as “sweet root,” which is another common name, refer to the flavor of the rhizomes. Native Americans used them as sweet treats and medicine to treat colds and sore throats.

I hope I have a habitat someday that will host a hundred licorice ferns on mossy trunks and logs.