Native Plant Seeds–A Positive Investment in the Future

As the days shorten and the political climate feels like the most dangerous version of climate change of all, my anxiety levels have risen to problematic levels. One way I deal with that is to sow native plant seeds. It is not coincidental that my seed-sowing efforts are far more intense this autumn than in past years.

I sowed thousands of seeds this past week and ordered thousands more. My plans are not clearly defined for all the resulting seedlings. This passion is born out of wanting baby plants with an irresponsibly low level of planning. But I believe I will be in a good place to deal with all those seedlings and share them with the neighborhood next year.

I placed the seeds in small pots of potting mix, labeled them, and sat them outside to experience the cold and wet weather they need to germinate. Since some packets contain more seeds than I can handle in pots, I sprinkled those seeds around the gardens. I have taken this approach in the past and have yet to have a single plant grow from previously sprinkled seeds, while many of the potted seeds are successful. It is worth a shot, though. Conditions might be just right this year. These seeds were from Elder Oaks through Etsy.

I followed up my sowing spree by ordering more native seeds! This time, they are coming from Northwest Meadowscapes. I will get those sown in the coming weeks, as well. So much to look forward to and track through the dark winter and early spring!