Gardeners often think plants are resting in the late fall/early winter so gardeners can relax. Around Seattle, though, this is the perfect time to plant native seeds and find beauty around the native garden.
My seed-starting efforts have tripled compared to last year. If all the seeds germinate, I may be in trouble! Thousands of seedlings will be a lot to deal with but I look forward to that problem.
Here are some photos of the seed pots including some precocious seedlings from the November-planted batch.
I branched out with native seeds of trees and shrubs, including osoberry, madrone, and western crabapple. Perennials include Oregon sunshine, pearly everlasting, fringecup, pacific bleeding heart, Oregon iris, and lupines.
There is beauty, interest, and growth in the native plant garden even now. The late fall and winter have been mild so far. Here are some photos capturing some beauty and interest in my tiny slice of native.